Call the Doctor! 24/7 Refurbishing Program

With our Dr. 24/7, we took a customer’s outdated equipment and made it ‘like new’ again by equipping the existing framework with our current technology. This trailer was purchased from a competitor years ago and over fifteen years it has stopped working and charging.

We were able to use the existing frame and retrofit the entire system by doing the following:

• upgraded solar panels
• upgraded solar system for better efficiency for longer run time and less downtime
• upgraded the DVR with analytics device
• added DVRs with industry standard hard drives and complimented it with 24 megapixel PTZ cameras with built in IRs
• added 12 batteries in conjunction with solar panels

One of the benefits of having old units refurbished is we can still use the factory mounting locations and leave the framework, minimizing cost to the customer!

Rebuilding existing units also provides a faster turnaround time than building a new one, so they can get the equipment back in the field with minimal downtime.

Generally the technology has changed before the equipment has failed. With our expertise and customization, we are able to upgrade this technology and extend the life of the trailer.

For more information, email us at or call toll free 877.411.2471.