While jobsite security cameras’ main purpose is to PREVENT theft before it happens, most owners and contractors have experienced some type of loss. Onsite cameras give owners the piece of mind that their equipment and job materials will not be tampered with or stolen, as well as security footage if theft or vandalism does occur.
Most theft is an inside job, not random or accidental petty thefts. In fact, it’s an estimated 60-70 percent of all theft on jobsites are inside jobs, internal people or internal people “tipping off” others that come in later and steal the supplies.
Here are our top 5 things that can get stolen off your jobsite

Small tools and supplies – Gloves, welding supplies, tools, anything that can be easily carried off a jobsite and readily available to workers are susceptible to theft. Many laborers perform side projects, and the jobsite of their employer is an excellent place to get free stuff.

Appliances – Contractors who build senior living centers and condos have to be aware of premeditated theft of appliances. The delivery status will be transmitted to someone ready to steal the product before it even hits its designated room, and it will be reported as never received. These “inside jobs” can wreak havoc on the bottom line.

Building Materials – Steel, copper, lumber, and other valuable commodities laying around on a jobsite are desirable items for a thief to steal and resell for a profit.

Production – When needed tools and supplies are stolen off a jobsite, one of the biggest wastes of money is the loss of production. Workers can’t do their jobs and are held up by the missing items. Many times the loss of production ends up costing more money than the items that were actually stolen.

Time- The number one thing that is stolen from your jobsite is time. Time is money. If 20 operators show up on your jobsite to work a spread of equipment, but that equipment has had the batteries stolen and is out of use, then those 20 workers are left without work, wasting time and money.
The thief gets away with a few hundred dollars of batteries, but thousands of dollars of your time and money.
The unexpected loss of production and time not only hurts the contractor’s budget and bottom line, but also affects the efficiency and schedule of that project. To find out how to properly use onsite cameras for supervision and deterring theft, please contact us at info@247osc.com.